Fashion Design: Learn to Make Clothes, Classy & Fabulous!

One Year Foundation Program

The foundation course emphasizes on kids and women’s wear. This course engages students into basic 3-D designing, pattern drafting and garment construction.

Two Year Advance Program

The program focuses on the basics of research methods and design processes and gives a hands-on experience to the students to apply these tools in real life situations.

Three Year Specialisation Program

This program provides students with comprehensive overview of the fashion industry, including product development, sourcing, buying, marketing, retailing and merchandising.

Super Specialisation in Fashion Design

This curriculum focuses on developing an understanding of key theoretical concepts and on practicing skills associated with the areas of clothing, textiles, and fashion.

Course Overview

Learning while practising has always been our core value. Our courses start with the foundation subjects to develop critical independent thinking and the practical ability of the students.

The primary aim of the courses is to give in-depth knowledge of all the aspects of the fashion sector. The design of the curriculum challenges the students to explore fashion by positioning themselves to shape a future that is innovative and interdisciplinary. Courses here allow students to take part in unique opportunities to transform concepts into tangible products, services and experiences.

You are just a step away from getting the world-class fashion qualification, name and fame. Opt for the course and showcase your charm.

Fundamentals of Fashion Design

We expose the students to the basics of design and fundamentals of fashion and design theories. Students learn to understand and appreciate design by exploring and applying the various elements and principles of design including colour interaction and their attributes. Studying different elements and principles of design along with fashion forecasting is an integral part of the fashion industry.

Career Option

Fashion Entrepreneurship Manufacturing Units Services
Fashion Stylist Garment Constructors Fashion Lecturer
Boutique Owner Fashion Masters Fashion Technologist
Accessories Designer Quality Control Fashion Stylist
Fashion Designer Secondary Processors Freelancers
Fashion Consultant Merchandisers Fashion Communicators
Shoot Coordinator User Interface Designers Fashion Co-ordinators
Fashion Editors CAD/CAM Designers Fashion Photography
Specialist Shops Pattern Makers Fashion Illustrators
Fashion Experts Fashion Designers Visual Merchandisers

Our Gallery


Evolution of Fashion Design

Examination of new media design methods helps our students in a broad context to evolve cultural, technological, sociological, and scientific development. It gives an opportunity to students to develop collective and personal communication skills to convey complex ideas and apply methods for crafting the message, presentation techniques and personal web communication. It addresses marketing and public relations for designers and gives them a voice to shine.


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